I often have guilt when I take a little time for myself too when there seems like there is so much to do. But you NEED TO for your health and mental health!! Mom's need quiet, brainless, down time too every once in a while!! Every Night before bed, I always make my top 10 list of things that I want to get done the next day (and I limit it to only 10). Once you get done and cross those things off the list in the morning or by lunch, it feels so good and you don't have that guilt!! This is REALLY working great for me. Then in the afternoon you can take that down time. Then I usually do a 30 min.-45 min power clean/picking up before my husband gets home. Or you could always clean for 15 minutes or so during nap time and then do your own thing for the rest of the nap time.
Don't feel guilty, you deserve your own quiet time!!!!