What Is Your One-year-old up To?

Updated on August 04, 2010
R.S. asks from Chicago, IL
9 answers

My husband is worried that we somehow have not created a self-sufficient baby, because she is constantly clinging to us, wanting to play with our "toys" (i.e. computer, books, magazines, DVD's, cell phones, etc)....In my opinion, this is perfectly normal for this age. She is capable of playing indpendently but is simply more interested in hanging out with us...or with other kids in a large play area.

So, what is your one-year-old up to and what does he/she enjoy playing with???


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answers from Dallas on

Yep, pretty typical. Laptops, keys, phones, dishes, etc. Sometimes I wondered why I bought them toys! lol.

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answers from Buffalo on

oh yes my 13 month old is perfectly happy playing with her stuff, but OMG someone better be i the room with her and if we have any of our toys out OH yes she want it and not her stuff, that includes food too.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Let see, due to our daughters curiosity (she's 17 months but this has happened for awhile), we have had to replace my boyfriends cellphone, repair part of his laptop, we still need to repair his laptop screen (she likes to pull it down to see what he's working on and now its messing up), my lap top is missing my escape key, not to mention I hide my cell phone and my novel I am reading, from her. Thats just the electronic stuff. She's gotten into our DVDs, books, she loves our shoes. She plays independantly usually when only one parent is home. When both of us are home she definately wants to be where the action is.
I think its pretty normal. =)



answers from Boise on

Explain it to your husband this way. We give so much attention to those items, the kids want to find out what is so great about them. Plus, those items may be getting the attention that the child wants. Kids that age are very curious, and want to be like mommy and daddy. When my son talks on "his" phone (one of our old ones), he holds it just like daddy does. And know, there isn't much independence for most 1 year olds.


answers from St. Louis on

My one year old is very clingy. Especially first thing in the morning and right after work (I think when he has missed me the most). Sometimes he'll be okay playing with our daughter, but only for a short period and when Daddy or I are around (within eyesight). I think it's COMPLETELY normal!! Also he has a ton of toys but would always rather be playing with whatever Mommy, DAddy or his sister are playing with. He especially LOVEs to try and play with the toliet bowl brushes...YUCK! It's the first place he goes in the bathroom if he sees the door open!



answers from Los Angeles on

My boys are the same age as Kristina W. and I agree that at one, they are still really clingy and want to play with EVERYTHING!! As they get older and developmentally more ept, they will start playing on their own and with their own stuff. You do have to encourage playing with other kids or by themselves and get them involved and then leave them on their own for periods of time so they learn how to entertain themselves.



answers from Dallas on

I have a almost 4 year old girl and a 18 month old son, when she was one, she was clingy but gradually started playing on her own and using her imagination. I would play with her for a bit and sneak off! Sad, but they will learn they are ok and to explore playing alone! My son, he is half and half. He will be clingy for a bit then go off and play all by himself, he even will close himself in the closet in the dark! And NOT even care, ill open the door and he will be playing. But my kids do like to try to play on the computer and on our phones, i think it is just to see how it is, since their parents use them.. Kids are all different but in the end the same! Yours will get there, just give it a little more time! Best of luck! :)



answers from Dallas on

My daughter is only ten months, but clingy to the extreme. I don't think that that is abnormal at this age at all though. Her favorite toys are our keys, remote control for the tv, and cell phones. In fact she just started really crawling and one thing she is constantly going for is magazines. The way I look at it is, it's not going to be long before they are asking to be dropped off and closing their door in their rooms, so enjoy it now!



answers from Cincinnati on

my one year old is the opposite of clingy! he is to much on the go to even let us hold him for more than 3 minutes at a time! if i am in the kitchen he has no problem going down the hall to his room to play. he also has a cabinet in the kitchen that we call his cabinet (its full of tuperware) that he will play in if he gets bored in his room. yesterday I found him in the hallway talking to his reflection in the full length mirror. oh but his favorite thing to play with, empty food boxes (cheerios boxes pizza ect)

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