When you go for cheaper cars you get what you pay for. They are going to have motor issues, they will have high miles and higher miles, they will have body damage, etc....there are no deals on used cars that are not due to "what" the car is.
I remember going through this when hubby lost his job and we no longer had the credit union. They terminated him on Friday, right before Christmas, and then told him that he needed to surrender our vehicles on Monday or pay them off....what a shocking surprise.
Our car payments were just under $700 per month and the full coverage insurance was $1100 every 6 months. They were really nice cars too.
It was a blessing in disguise though. It started us thinking about how our finances were out of control due to the high pay he was getting. If he was still working there he'd be making at least $120K per year and that would be so nice to have instead of his SSDI that we now live on.
I think starting to realize that life is different now and accepting that you are not as well off as you were, well, it will help you to be more accepting of what you can afford now and you'll be able to accept the changes easier.