Usually between 18 and 21 weeks. It also depends on where the placenta is attached...if it is in the front of the uterus it may take even longer. 14 weeks is still very early to feel movement.
I'm getting a little nervous because I'm 14 weeks along into my 4th pregnancy and haven't felt any baby movement yet. I know it's still early but I felt my 1st baby at 17 weeks and my 2nd baby at only 11 weeks. I'm nervous because my 3rd pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Also I hear all the time that you feel movement sooner with each next pregnancy. I'd just like some reassurance that this is normal!
Usually between 18 and 21 weeks. It also depends on where the placenta is attached...if it is in the front of the uterus it may take even longer. 14 weeks is still very early to feel movement.
I am on my third right now. I did start feeling this one later, not till around 20-21 wks. Which is late I think, but now she moves around all the time, more then my other two.
Every pregnancy is different and you will get varying times that everyone felt the first movements. I would not stress over this though. The best thing I can tell you is discuss this with your doctor and have them do a check. They will be able to tell you right away what is going on with your baby. The positioning and how big the baby is and how much you weigh all depend on when you will feel the baby. I would not add more stress though worrying. Some babies are not as active as others. Let your doctors put you at ease with your next check up. If you are still concerned maybe try to schedule an earlier appointment. Take care of yourself and relax. Negative energy is the last thing you need right now. Congrats on the new one.
Hi J.,
When I was pregnant with my son I didn't feel him move until around 19-22 weeks. Now with my daughter I didn't feel her move until 18-20 weeks. I am sure it varies from baby to baby if you are really concerned I would contact my doctor for some medical reassurance. Good luck :)
I think I felt my 1st move around 18 or 19 weeks, and my second I felt around 16 weeks. I'd give it a little more time unless you need the peace of mind then go see your OBGYN. It may help just to lie down on the couch in the evening and see what you feel. Mine always seemed to get active whenever I rested! :) Congrats on the pregnancy!
Hi J.,
I have 4 kids. And with the fourth I felt everything really early like 3 1/2 months. But it took me awhile to figure out what I was feeling. My daughter was laying side to side across the front of my uterus with her feet to the right and her head and hands to the left, with her back to the outside of my belly she stayed like this up until 7 months and the turned breech for the rest of the time.
I wouldn't worry to much, and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. I didn't feel my 3rd until I was 5 or 6 months along. The only time my kids would really move was when they were trying to find the heart beat and the would wiggle all over the place.
Movements can feel like anything and everything, I've had butterflies, bubbles, like someone is tickling me on the inside and then just a roll feeling on the inside. When you relax just lay there and see if you feel "any movement" and it is probably the baby. Congrats on baby :) W.
With me it was always somewhere after the 12 week mark but it did happen later with my youngest son than the other 3 that made it that far.
Granted this was my first, I did not feel movement till about the 20th week. I have read that you can go as far as 24 weeks before feeling anything.
Hi!! I'm a mom of seven and i know what you are going through, but please don't worry! Each pregnancy is different and with some of mine i felt as early as 13 weeks and as late as 20 weeks.If your really worried don't hesitate to tell your doctor and have him do a simple sonogram or to just listen to the heart beat!!I'm sure everything will turn out fine and i'll be saying a prayer for you!! Good luck and God Bless!! L. S
First and foremost, congrats on the new baby. with me from the time that i found out i was pregnant at 6 weeks to the time i had my daughter at 36 weeks, i felt her move maybe 3 times, she was turned in a way that i couldnt feel her move, this may be what is happening in your case, i would bring it up with your doctor if you are concerned, but know that these types of things are kinda normal. But since you have had one miscarriage i would definately call and talk to your doctor.
It seems to depend on where the placenta is placed. The placenta is usually at the back of the uterus leaving only the lining of the uterus between the baby and our stomach on the outside. I've been pregnant 4 times and I didn't know until the last pregnancy that if the placenta is in the front you won't feel hardly anything at all.
I was feeling a lot of "gas" around 4 months. The placenta in this pregnancy attatched at the front of the uterus. All I ever felt up until around 6 months was little gassy bubble type feelings. Sadly, my other daughters were 10, 13 and 15 and they could not feel the baby on the outside until about the 8th month. The placenta cushioned the baby so much that we just couldn't feel her.
hi J.,dont worry. i know they say it happens sooner the next time around but with my boys i felt the oldest at about 15-16 weeks and the second not until about 18-19 weeks. no woman and no prenancy is "typical". just because "they" say something doesnt make it true. i wouldnt worry too much about it. but yes this is the miscarriage time so if you are worried (especially considering your last) then just go to your ob's office and ask if a nurse can check for a heartbeat. most of the time they have absolutly no problem with putting your mind at ease. they know that the calmer you are about the pregnancy, the healthier you and your baby will be. good luck and just stay calm. thats the best thing you can do for that sweet little one.
love steph
I felt movement at about 18-20 weeks with my son. Is your next doctors appt. coming up soon?? If its not to long I'd wait and see how things are at the appt. If your to worried about it schedule an appt. and tell them that you have some concerns. They should get you in or talk with you if you have that concern about the baby not moving(and previous miscarriage). Good luck and let us know how it goes!