When Do You Workout?

Updated on July 22, 2011
M.. asks from Detroit, MI
17 answers

I usually use naptime as much needed cleaning of the house. I started working out after the kids are in bed, but It makes me wired and I cannot go to sleep. Its been wayyyy too hot the take the kids for a walks lately, plus thats not a great workout. I need suggestions!

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answers from St. Louis on

I lift weights all day (laundry), do my cardio about 20 times a day (2.5 story house washer in basement), squats equal about 1000 from picking up baby and toys.

So I work out all the time when I am at home when I am at work, I don't really work out.

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answers from Chicago on

4:30am, before I go to work and the kids are up.

It takes some getting used to, but then it's out of the way for the day!

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answers from Minneapolis on

I wake up early before anyone is awake and workout.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Sometimes in the am - just a few plank sets, hundreds and ab things - 5-10min tops

Sometimes during nap

Sometimes in the evening (really only walking, pilates or yoga to settle down)

As long as I do something, sometime each day, I don't beat myself up about it.

If you workout at night, try ending with some stretching, deep breathing and yoga poses that slow things down (child's pose w/forehead on mat, corpse pose) to bring your heart rate down so you can sleep better.

ETA: Ted's mommy is exactly right! Don't forget the cumulative effect of the activities you naturally do all day long - it adds up!

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answers from Houston on

usually at either 1.....or 5....or both

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answers from Santa Fe on

I leave hubby and kids right after dinner 2x during the week to go to a YMCA class. I am back before bedtime. Once a week I have a run exchange w a friend where we take turns looking after each other's kids. Once on the weekend I get up early when it is still cool and go for a run.

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answers from Honolulu on

I work out very early in the morning. On gym days, I go at 3am. On my running days, I head out a little after 4 am. I like to get my entire workout and shower in before the kids wake up. Then I don't have to think about working out for the rest of the day.

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answers from San Francisco on

Before kids wake up is what works for me. It start my morning off alone and quiet...I get to watch the sun come up...and I get "me" time. I usually go running or do a FIRM video as my excercise routine...and always a short ab workout.

Night time is not a good time to work out as you have found...you need to use that time to unwind so you will get your much needed sleep. I usually have a warm mug of herbal tea in the evening with my hubby...ohhh...it is so relaxing.

Good luck!!

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answers from Chicago on

I take the dog for walk in the am before hubby goes to work. An am workout give the most benefit and if your kids are at least 2 you can work out at home and they can too if they are younger use them.
Jump rope
use the kids as weights if they are younger
get in many 10 min sets as possible through out the day.

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answers from Naples on

I don't.
But, I have a coworker who does it in the morning before work (we're both FT working moms).
Maybe you could get an elliptical machine or other equipment and keep it in the garage or home. That way you could work out at home before they wake up. That's what I would do.

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answers from Washington DC on

I do it in the morning before my husband goes to work. He works 2-10pm though, so I have literally ALL morning if I wanted to.

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answers from Denver on

we are gym members and i go at least 3 or 4 times a week - mostly in the afternoon between 4pm and 5pm. kids go to onsite kids club

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answers from Jacksonville on

Here is a novel idea, tell your husband, "Hey watch the kids for 30 minutes while I work out!" LOL That's what I do, and in return I keep my daughter busy while he works out. Trust me, it's much harder for me to keep her out of his way than the other way around. Daddy does handstand push ups and what is more fun than being upside down with daddy?

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answers from Kansas City on

Even if you can exercise in 10 minute segments, it will help. There is a wonderful website (it's FREE to join) called SparkPeople. It is amazing and full of exercise ideas, free short workout videos, delicious healthy recipes and tons and tons of articles and supportive people to help you lose weight.


I HIGHLY recommend it!



answers from Seattle on

A gym with a kids korner.. So you have fun and the kids have fun..



answers from Milwaukee on

On a GOOD day before everybody wakes up or while breakfast is being eaten. I try to get another hour in while he's at school and a little before bed while watching tv.


answers from Dallas on

My workout varies. In the morning and/or during toddler's naptime. And sometimes at night 30 minutes of pilates or yoga; my kids love to workout with me. My 17 yr old and 2 yr old join in on the fun. When my teen is at work I take my 2 yr old out in the jogging stroller. Sometimes when I want to go to the store for just one to three items, I pop her in the jogging stroller. Its amazing that by car it takes 2 minutes, but by stroller it takes 15 minutes. Great workout. We walk to the park, go to nature preserves, take a few circles around the mall early in the morning then see a first showing of something that is child friendly. We even run around the house, hold her while I run up and down the stairs, keep music on while cleaning to dance around too; while i'm in our workout room I put out yoga mats & yoga balls for my 2 year old to play on. Its great for kids to see their parents workout, our 2 yrold has taebo down; so she gets dad off his butt and makes him follow her in a workout. It's the sweetest most funniest thing, because daddy needs to lose weight and now he is forced to workout by a toddler. I love it. You'll find the time and different creative ways to fit in your workout.

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