We had a similar sort of incident at the zoo several months ago. My son (then 5) was asking about the tampon machine... I said it was 'lady stuff' and tried to keep it vague. "But what for?"
"Well, remember that babies grow in a special place called the womb?"
"Well, the womb is full of fresh blood every month to get ready in case a baby comes there. If there's no baby, the blood sometimes comes out. It's okay, it doesn't hurt or anything,it's just to keep the womb clean. So, women use things (I didn't go into detail) to keep clean while the blood comes out so they don't have messy underwear."
"Oh, okay."
I'm also at the point that he can wait outside the restroom or stall-- he's six now and while I'm frank about some things, I am asking him to respect my privacy and that's worked well. FWIW, unless he remembers and asks again, I'm not sure I would follow up right away-- he may have forgotten about it. But if he asks, keep it simple, don't get too technical, and reassure him. I only answer my son's questions specific to what he asks. Every family is different, and this is what works for us.