Where Can I Find 34 DD Nursing Bras?

Updated on September 22, 2010
M.!. asks from Boulder, CO
13 answers

I am due in about 8 weeks and starting looking for some nursing bras. I am currently a 34 DD, but have yet to find any bras in my size. I have never been this big before. With my first I was a 36 D and with my second only a 36 C. Pre-pregnancy I am only a 32 A so I am just really not used to this size.


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answers from New York on


Their delivery is very slow but they do have great bra's in difficult to find sizes.

My neices wear 34DD on a regular basis and we usually buy them from Macy's. One went to a 34H when she was pregnant with her daughter last year. This size was impossible to find at the stores so I had to order from this sight. She was very happy with her bras.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Check out Motherhood Maternity stores near you. They have lots there. I was larger then normal myself and they had everything that I needed. Heres the website for it too... http://www.motherhood.com/nursinghome.asp

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answers from Chicago on

I wouldn't suggest buying too many bras because your size will likely change again. BTW - I've also found bigger sized bra's at Macy's

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answers from Kokomo on

I was the same size nursing my first one and found a good selection and sizes of bras at Motherhood stores.
That is such a hard size to find in regular stores.

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answers from St. Louis on

Wal-Mart has 38 DD that are very comfortable and cheap. I recommend waiting though til after baby comes to be buying any. I just had my 3rd baby and thought I would fit into the 38 DD that i wore after having baby #2 and they turned out to be too tight. I mainly wear a XXL sports bra but now after 6 weeks of nursing I need something bigger.

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answers from Columbus on

Medela nursing bras are really good, and you can find that size (and more) in Baby's R Us, where all the nursing products are (not on the clothing area).
Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

Try Bravado (on line or look for a local store that carries them). I was a 32 EE after my first was born (zoinks!), then ended up being a 32DD the rest of the time I was nursing.

If you can find someone who carries them, they should be able to help you get fitted. When my first was born, I bought them at the lactation center at the hospital.
Good luck!




answers from Tulsa on

NurturedFamily.com has 34DD, but they call them 34E I think. they are stylish
Retailmenot has a 10% off coupon and they will reship the correct size free



answers from Atlanta on

In Atlanta we have a womens boutique at the biggest hospital for women. They had 38J nursing bras for me! You might want to check for something like that in your area.



answers from Lincoln on

have you tried going to a local baby store that sells used maturnity clothes or a local milk works if you have one in your area would probably carry nursing bras of that size. I am currently nursing my 5 month old son and i only have one nursing bra but most the time i wear a sports bra and i haven't had any problems.



answers from Boise on

Bravado. The seamless ones are the best. Mine is an F I think? Anyway, don't forget that they will get bigger when your milk comes in. I would go and get one now for the last 8 weeks, and know where they are so that when your milk comes in and you are being restricted, that you can quickly call and get the next size or two up.



answers from Missoula on

Bravado makes some great nursing bras. I have bought mine at www.breakoutbras.com because there isn't a retailer near me. I also like www.figleaves.com, they both have lots of really cute styles.
34DD shouldn't be a really diffifult size to find, I know Target, and Motherhood Maternity carry nursing bras in that size. Department stores like Macy's and JCPenny are likely to have them as well, and there are lots of options online if you don't mind shopping that way. I wear a 36H when I am nursing, so I end up ordering everything online.



answers from Evansville on

I had the best luck at Target... and they were the most affordable too!

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