I read your post and it sounds as if I had written it for myself! I have had my blood drawn on several locations and they tell me I could possibly be "borderline" hypoglycemic! It is opposite of diabetes... but if it does not get in check and aided through diet/lifestyle changes, then it could turn into diabetes. I would do a google search on eating for a hypoglycemic diet. I put grapes or crackers next to my bed at night so that I can have something in the morning, otherwise I literally cannot get out of bed. Even still, eating makes me sick, and I am lazy about forcing myself to eat when I need to, but you just have to stick with it. Then I too can binge b/c I practically starve myself all day. Carbs are wonderul but never eat carbs alone for starters... it will help you out, but then your body will crash twice as hard. Eat it with a protein, like cheese and crakers or peanut butter on bread. Baked potatoes with some cheese and crumbled bacon is an excellent and easy boost. That's just a start. Also, eat a couple of (healthy) snacks about every 2 hours. It will keep your body going. If you need some motivation or need anything else, just p.m. me, I need motivation sometimes too!