Get her up earlier in the morning? Get her more physical exercise during the day? A nightly cup of tea? Spend early evening hours engaged in active outside activity? If she usually showers in the morning, try switching it up to evening, just to see if it relaxes her. Evening swimming can have the same effect, too, if you have access to a pool. Make sure her room temperature is cool enough for her to feel warm and snuggly under her covers. Don't give up on reading before bed, that's such a good habit, and it will eventually help her get sleepy naturally, even if it doesn't seem to right now. Ask her what she thinks about before she falls asleep. For people with anxiety, this is a very common time for worries to churn around. I wouldn't come right out as ask her if she is worried about anything, but an open ended question might lead to her sharing some things with you. If she is worried about anything, or just having trouble getting somethings off her mind, then you may be able to reassure her or help her with some steps to resolve things.