I don't know what Children's Orchard is, I'm assuming it is a children's consignment store, but you might think about Craigslist.com - to me it's easier than eBay, you don't have to ship anything, it's just like free local classifieds online! As long as you are comfortable with people coming to your house to look at and/or buy the items. My husband and I buy practically everything from eBay or Craigslist, never sold anything on eBay but we sell things on Craigslist. There is the possibility of getting more money on eBay due to bidding, but you can ask whatever price you want on Craigslist. Anyway if that Orchard place IS a consignment store, I'd opt for eBay (I believe there is a fee to sell things) or Craigslist (free) because consignment stores of course take a percentage of your sales. Good luck.