Remember you are trying to raise money, and get rid of things! Do not allow family members to reclaim items, and do not get sentimental about the items to be sold, by pricin the items too high! remember you are downsizing and making space, to raise money, and have fun! I amke money, because I price things to get out of my house, the buyer is not really interested in the sentimentality, and wants to know how the item will enhance their life, so tell them the selling points of why that item is a good buy! Try building sells by, adding another item that might enhance your last sell, you will be surprised, how much someone buys, because you sold it as gently used, and not with a sentimental story... So price the things to sell, and you will have more room in your garage and closets... Also, group the clothes on tables or boxes on chairs, most people are not able to reach down to the ground, have chairs for people to sit on while searching. I had an elderly woman who enjoyed my sale, because she could sit and search, I had my daughter be her legs to bring things to her. But, I also made sure she did not spend her life savings, too! I did had a conscience, LOL! Also, I had alot of FREE boxes, for items, I had, for kids, they could pick 1 or 2 items. I put a small marker on the reverse, so I know it was free. I grouped series books together, and I kept my items organized, by going through and cleaning the unkempt areas, so each person, felt like they were the first... I put mens things intermittingly around the yard sale to draw them into it. I had tools near the rear and sides. And i had paid the kids to act as security and assistants to the crowds, they learned how to barter and count change. I had extra shopping and trash bags, and boxes for the many items. I placed household items neatly folde in used painters tape to write the sizes of sheets on them, and kept them on the neat side, and let the buyer know there was tape attached, before they washed it. I cleaned everything, before selling. Dust kills a sale! I made dixie cup popsicles for saling, for 25 cents from Kool-Aid, and I had trash bins, around the perimeter to catch the trash! Good luck!