The only thing that will come of battles over meals is that your child will dig in their heals. They will NOT suddenly start eating what you want.
I just don't get why kids can't say the don't like something without an adult taking it as an affront to their cooking or a sign of disrespect. It's a choice, kids have taste buds just like you do.
SO they don't like something. Pick out a food YOU detest and that's the only food you can eat until you satisfy some other person's demented ideals about you've had enough or not.
Another thing that is going to happen is you will be an embarrassment to your family and yourself. Making a hiney of yourself over food especially during vacation is not going to achieve the things you want.
I think you are overthinking this.
A typical day of food for kids in child care is sort of like this. I think most families do meals sort of like this. Of course some people send their kids to bed as soon as dinner is done so the adults can have their evenings to themselves but I really think most people want to spend time with their kids and do evening things. On vacation your kids will be up late a lot.
Up and eat breakfast. On vacation I'd say by 8:30/9am they should be up and ready to eat.
A mid morning snack wouldn't be something I'd think they'd want but that might be something you can plan on and have handy. Lunch could be later than you usually have it.
On a normal day we'd eat between 11:30 and 12:30 then straight to nap time, no side lines because that one year old needs their nap.
Then when little one wakes up, in our place that would be around 2:30/2:45. Then a good high protein snack and fruit or juice to drink. If I had done juice at breakfast then I'd do half a cup of fruit and water or Koolaid.
Then if the kids are hungry before dinner I'd have parts of dinner ready for them to eat. I didn't use baby food after talking to either Del Monte or Gerber. I called one of them with a question and was completely shocked by the answer.
I had been given a bunch of stage 3 baby food and it was a couple of days expired. I wanted to know if it was still good to use. The person I was speaking with me to flat out throw them away.
They told me that baby food has the very minimum nutrition in it allowed. It's basically flavored goo that fills their tummy but doesn't give them nutrition. It is empty goo.
Your child is well over the age where they need baby food. They need full out table food that everyone is eating.
Back to my suggestions about
I think having things ready for the kids to snack on will help you make it through your normal meal times fine. Having some fruit ready to give them something fast. Have some high protein stuff ready too. We do peanut butter crackers. The kids love to make them and eat them. Messy? Yes but they enjoy a snack they can make.
I think that you can feed your kids dinner early if you want to. Please do not feed your baby anything except table food. If you're going to cook for you older child why not cook something they'll both eat? Why not let them eat a whole meal then later when everyone else is eating they can eat again if they want or just sit at the table with everyone and experience a family style dinner.