I remember what it was like to have that first big heartbreak in my 20's. I was simple devastated and broken down and broken apart. My mother couldn't comfort me much. Eventually I had to seek professional counseling because two years later I was still in the deepest of depressions and couldn't even bring myself to the top of the bottom of my sorrow. Worse feeling ever. Counseling helped where family, friends and reason failed.
She needs time to grieve her loss. She needs time to deal with her sorrow. Grief is a process. Her comments are very telling of where she is in her confidence and thoughts of herself and the expectations she has for relationships.
A few things could help, getting a hobby, volunteering, a regular fitness routine, eating healthy foods, along with counseling. When I began to think I deserved better, I started to draw a better quality man to me. When I began to believe that I get to choose, I began to make better choices about what gets to spend time with all of the wonderfulness that is me.
It took a long time but I'm now married to exactly what I expected in a husband. I have a marvelous relationship with a real person who has faults I can live with and someone who can live with all my faults as well. It was well worth the wait and I turned away plenty of contenders who for one reason or another wasn't going to be a good match for me. In the between time I had a rich and full life without a boyfriend or a man in it that all serves to make this so much more than I ever imagined.
Your daughter can have this too if she is willing to stop feeling sorry for herself, learn valuable lessons about what she truly wants in the character of the man she can commit to and move forward.
Everyone here is right your daughter dodged a bullet by not being the one tied to this looser for life through the birth of a child. Show her your love and speak life into her.