Childhood Illnesses: Toddler, Sam's Club

Results 1-10 from 21 articles

12 Month Old Allergic to Milk?

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello moms! My 12 month old recently made the switch to organic whole milk. He has been having a major problem with constipation and then diarrhea. Then, after his ...


Where Should the New Baby Sleep?

N.T. asks from Chicago

I would like some advice on sleeping arrangements with a newborn. Our first child is due this fall, and I’ve been reading many different opinions about where the ba...


Need to Vent About My 2 Sick Babies (My Husband and 7 Month Old)

K.L. asks from South Bend

I am having a hard time dealing with my sick husband and my sick 7 month old. We are ALL constantly sick since my son is in daycare. My husband acts like the bigges...


Smell of Throw up on the Couch Cushions - GERRR-OSSSS!

J.C. asks from Columbus

So I'm sick with a sinus infection and today, my daughter's illness reared it's ugly head as well and she threw up all over the couch. I tried to get to the couch ri...


Breastmilk vs Formula: Finances?

M.A. asks from Lubbock

Ok mama's. I'm 36 weeks pregnant with my first baby, and I still can't decide whether or not I want to breastfeed. I'd always said that I would strictly be a formul...


Anyone Have a Little-one with Eczema?

C.B. asks from San Diego

I would love to know if anyone has found anything that works well in treating eczema. My 2 year old has been dealing with pretty severe eczema since he was about 6 mo...


18 Months Needs More Calories!

S.A. asks from Sioux Falls

My husband just took our 18 month old daughter to her 18 month Well Baby check up. She is on the small side. 25th percentile for height and weight. She has stayed pre...


ADHD And Medication???

M.R. asks from Denver

My son, now 5 1/2 was diagnosed with ADD, Hyperactive kind, 2 years ago. I was never able to fully accept the diagnosis, but he definately has a lot of the typical s...


Money Problems with No Government Help

S.R. asks from Denver

I am wondering if anyone out there knows of any programs that can help single mothers financially. I am a single mother of a beautiful 7 year old and I do not receiv...


Does Anyone Know of Foods/supplements to Help GAIN Weight and Height?

S.N. asks from Minneapolis

My first grade son is in the 3rd percentile for his height and weight. I know that it bothers him a little that his friends are all much bigger than him. But it bot...