Colds: Infant, Carters

Results 41-50 from 79 articles

What Type of Clothing Should My Toddler Sleep in at Night?

S.S. asks from Dallas

I have an amazing 18 month old daughter who still sleeps in her crib wearing a one piece sleeper. It zips up the front and I've noticed in the morning when she wakes...


Dressing Lil Girls :)

E.A. asks from El Paso

I love how lil kids look in overalls. My daughter has one Jean dress over all type jumper that I got at a thrift store and it looks so cute with a onesie underneath a...


SIDS Worry

K.G. asks from Los Angeles

I've been having my 6 week old little girl sleep in a pack and play in our bedroom since we brought her home from the hospital. We have a blanket under her head as a...


Winter Clothing for My Newborn - What to Buy and How to Dress

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi all, I am expecting my baby in October and need advice on how to dress her during the Winter. She'd be hardly 1-4 months then, and Chicago has bad winters. What st...


Keeping Blankets On

C.K. asks from Boston

My 6 mo old sleeps well in her crib. However she is definately a mover and often gets stuck up against the bumpers leading to crying although not always waking up. (T...


What Do I Need??

J.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and can't wait!! Any advise on the things you couldn't live without? We have a crib, car seat,...


Winter Clothing for a Newborn

A.L. asks from Las Vegas

Hi, I will be delivering a new born in early Dec and was wondering what kind of winter wear to get? Are they allowed to go out the first week since its pretty cold in...


Fall/winter Wardrobe for a 12 Month Old Boy?

E.A. asks from Atlanta

Hi ladies, So I'm trying to buy most of my son's clothes used and a huge fall/winter consignment sale is being held near me later this month. I'm trying to figure...


Keeping a 1 Year Old Warm This Winter

R.D. asks from Austin

Hello Ladies, I was wondering what you all do/have done to keep young ones warm when they are sleeping if they are too young to know about keeping covered with a bla...


What Clothes to Wear

A.S. asks from Lubbock

I am due in august and I have already bought everything for the new baby.I was just wondering what kind of clothing is best to put on a new baby boy.i have a alot of ...