My 20 mo. old son has recently been diagnosed with asthma. His pediatritian just listened to his chest, didn't do any blood tests or chest X-rays. I've been so freake...
My son has asthma and is on Singulair daily and asthma medicines as needed, so i'm used to his night time cough when he needs more attention with his meds.
I took my 10 year old son to the doctor with symptoms including a soar throat and stuffy nose. The nurse did a quick strep test that came back negative. When the do...
Hey everyone my son just turned 2 on last Thursday. Last month he had a cold and I took him in to the doctor and he said that Ethan had an ear infection in one of his...
I'm planning on taking my son to the doctor next week when I return from a trip, but I'm starting to think my son may have seasonal allergies; however, I would like m...
my son has been coughing terribly for almost 5 weeks now.we have gone to the docs several times.i think it might be chronic bronchitis but not really sure.he had bron...
Has anyone seen adverse side effects in their children from Nasonex? My 2 year old son was just prescribed nasonex due to a mold allergy. Thanks for your help!
My daughter has allergies, but they only periodically cause a problem. She can go weeks without a problem day. Therefore, I don't want to put her on daily allergy m...
This allergy thing is all new to me as we got my daughter tested a couple months ago and she is allergic to EVERYthing except for food. With that in mind, once we put...
I recently took my son to a pulmonologist to discuss options for treating his asthma and to rule out any other major reasons for him having 4 spouts of pnemonia since...