Fever: Toddler, Aveeno

Results 21-30 from 308 articles

19 Month Old with Food & Environmenal Allergies- Help!

H.G. asks from Boise

I finally had my daughter allergy tested and found out she is allergic to milk, eggs, nuts, dogs, and cats. Just to name a few. She even had a reaction to saline. Out...


9 Month Old with a Rash

C.D. asks from New York

Hello Moms. My 9 month old daughter has had a dry skin area on the top part of her thighs in the back. it has turned into a rash and just when i think it's going away...


6 Month Old with Hives

C.G. asks from Baton Rouge

When I went to get my daughter this morning from bed she had broken out in Hives on her inner thighes. I called her doctor and she just told me togive her Benadryl an...


Advice on How to Find the Source of Excema in 16 Month Old

J.G. asks from San Francisco

My daughter started out with a rash that looked just like poison oak on her left knee. When it didn't go away I saw our pediatrician who then referred me to a dermat...


Severe Yeast Infection in 2 Year Old

J.B. asks from Phoenix

Calling all mama's advice..... I have a 2 year old little boy that has broken out in what his ped believes is a yeast infection. About 2 weeks ago he had a small ra...


1 Year Old in Pain (Bowel Movements & Rash)

S.G. asks from Harrisburg

Hi Moms, My 1 year old has been adjusting to regular whole milk now and no formula .. All o a sudden, he has been having diarreha constantly and ha...


Advice: 1 Month Old Has Rash on Her Face

N.J. asks from New York

My 1 month old daughter has developed a rash on her face, scalp and behind her ears. its red and pimply....its begining to itch her now and seems to be aggrevated aft...


How Often Do You Bathe 2 Year Old Toddler?

Y.P. asks from Los Angeles

will appreciate your replies very much!


4-Month Old with Eczema

A.F. asks from St. Louis

My 4 month-old little boy has really bad eczema (or at least I think that's what it is). It's a red rash (blanches) on his armpits, elbows, feet, and now spreading t...


6 Month Old Breaking Out in Hives

D.L. asks from Fort Collins

Recently, my son has been sick with the typical cold type virus going around. He also had an ear infection and went on amoxicillin. He did fine with it until about ...