Infant: Toddler, Carters

Results 1-10 from 251 articles

Infant Socks!

A.F. asks from New York

This is a silly question but can anyone recommend infant socks that actually stay on baby feet? I bought size 0-6 months and they constantly fall off. The crew socks ...


My 20 Month Old Keeps Taking His Diaper Off!

K.L. asks from Orlando

He's 20 months old and started showing interest in his diaper & privates. But now, he always wants to take it off. I started having to use the wide clear tape and tap...


Infant Pajamas

B.K. asks from New York

I am looking for extra warm footie pajamas for my 5 month old. My now 4 year old son used LL Bean footies when he was an infant and they were super warm and thick and...


How to Abide Beliefs and Not Letting Infant Daughter Wear Pants in Winter

S.S. asks from Goldsboro

I don't wear pants and my infant daughter won't wear any either. My reasons for this are my religious beliefs. But anyway, its really hard to find skirts for my daugh...


Which Brand of Infant Clothing Runs the Largest?

J.W. asks from Detroit

Hi, My baby is still an infant but is already wearing sizes 12-24 months (depending on the brand & style). Also, I don't think it will be long before we are out of ...


22 Month Old Attached to Mommy and New Baby on the Way...

C.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello all, I have a question that I am hoping to get some good responses on. I have a daughter who will be 2 in June and am expecting another in October. My ques...


Fall/winter Wardrobe for a 12 Month Old Boy?

E.A. asks from Atlanta

Hi ladies, So I'm trying to buy most of my son's clothes used and a huge fall/winter consignment sale is being held near me later this month. I'm trying to figure...


Need Help with Getting an Infant Car Seat and Crib

V.R. asks from Dallas

We are looking to buy an infant car seat and a crib for our little one ( we're expecting in Aug). Ive been looking all around and the choices are a little overwhelmin...


Great On- Line Baby Clothes

H.H. asks from Los Angeles

since we are going to be surprised by the sex of the baby, I just wanted to have a boy list and a girl list of clothes to buy on- line once we know. I've never been ...


Baby Clothes.

A.K. asks from Bloomington

Are there not neutral infant clothes, anymore? What is a person to do , that is waiting to find out the sex of their baby? Honestly, I'm fine waiting to buy the bu...