I just sold my Graco travel system jogging stroller because the front wheel didn't swivel. I also just sold my In Step double wide jogging stroller because it was to...
My 5 year old son has low muscle tone. He has difficulty walking and tires easily. He is getting too old and too heavy to carry and he can't walk more than a few feet...
We are expecting our third this fall, and need a double stroller for our toddler and the baby!!
We are wanting a double jogging stroller, love the Bobs but the hub...
Over christmas we will be travelling with a 2 year old and 6 month old. I HAVE to have them in a stroller for my sanity and muscles. I was going to take 2 umbrella st...
I'm expecting baby #2 at the end of July. My husband would like to get a jogging style stroller instead of a regular double or sit and stand. We do some state park st...
Has anyone bought a travel system and wished they had bought either a lightweight version of the travel system or a jogging stroller with an infacnt carrier attachmen...
Can any one suggest a good jogging stroller? I would prefer one not too expensive, although I realize that probably a good one will be costly. I also haven't bought...
I bought a Graco MetroLite stroller but now am second guessing my selection. It's still in the box so I can return it. I've read mixed reviews. Does anyone have an...
With my first daughter I had a travel system. It seemed awfully bulky and it didn't seem to get around very well unless we were in a wide open space. For this baby I ...