Nap & Bedtime: Ergo

Results 21-30 from 175 articles

Sleep in Crib or Hold the Baby All Day?

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

It has been 10 years since my last baby, so maybe I am just not remembering well, but my 2 week old baby sleeps only for 15 minutes in her co-sleeper or crib and the...


My Almost Six Month Old Son Won't Sleep!

S.K. asks from Seattle

My wonderful second son is almost six months old. During the day, he does not sleep longer than 5 minutes at a time once or twice, unless he is in the car. In the e...


4 Month Old Won't Go to Sleep

N.W. asks from Los Angeles

I have a four month old daughter who seemingly hates sleep. During the day she'll take cat naps in her car seat or fall asleep while nursing, then, at about 4pm or s...


3 Month Old Will Only Sleep in My Arms

L.B. asks from Portland

I have an adorable 3 month old little girl who refuses to sleep anywhere but on me. My first daughter was like clockwork - napped in her crib at 10AM and 2PM and went...


My 18Mth Old Son Does Not Sleep Through the Night!!!

S.F. asks from Tampa

OK so my son is EXTREMELY stubborn and will cry and cry for nights until he is taken out of his crib. This has been an ongoing problem since he was born and very rare...


3 Month Old That Won't Sit or Sleep by Himself....

J.Z. asks from San Diego

I have a 3 month old boy who won't sit or sleep by himself. I love being with him 24/7 but I am worried perhaps I may be doing something wrong. I am breastfeeding a...


My 5 Month Old Can't Soothe Herself to Sleep

A.C. asks from New York

My daughter has always had difficulty going to sleep, we had to swaddle her, run the water in the sink, use a pacifier and rock her in my arms all to fall asleep. She...


Sleep Problems with My 4 Month Old

K.S. asks from Detroit

Hello, I have a 4 month old daughter who has a terrible time falling asleep and staying asleep. I try to lay her down for a nap 3 times a day with out nursing or roc...


Need Help Getting Baby Boy to Sleep in Crib!!

A.T. asks from Washington DC

My son is 3 1/2 months old. During the days he hasn't ever liked to sleep in his crib and I've managed to either make due with holding him or by putting him in his s...


No-cry Sleep Solution Book Help

M.P. asks from Provo

Ok so here is the deal. My son is a horrible sleeper. I'm trying to read the No-Cry Sleep Solution book, but my life has turned upside down. I have no time to read. I...