Precautions: Toddler, Luv

Results 1-10 from 43 articles

2Nd Pregnancy Is SO Much Harder!

K.C. asks from Barnstable

I'm about 6 months pregnant with my second child. I have a 2 1/2 year old girl at home, and my pregnancy with her was great. I had severe "all day" sickness, but it ...


Unexpected Pregnancy

M.L. asks from Houston

i'v been wth my boyfriend for only 2 months.. wr expecting and he's telling me that we have to have an abortion..what should i do


Had a Tubal Ligation Last, Is This Normal?

M.B. asks from Canton

I had a tubal ligation on Sept 14, and I started my period that same day (lucky me). I was told by my OB/GYN that it would be painful (it was horrible) but she never...


Dad Not Pitching in with Care of Our 4 Month.

R.M. asks from San Antonio

Hello. I have been home taking care of my daughter, my husband has been working and not helping all the much. It really hasn't bothered me much but now that I am goi...


In First Trimester and Cannot Sleep at Night

S.W. asks from Boston

I'm in my first trimester of pregnancy and since about a week before I found out I was pregnant I cannot sleep at night. When I do finally manage to fall asleep, it ...


Terrible 2'S Are Draining Me....... and Another on the Way

J.D. asks from Houston

I have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter how at times is the most wonderful daughter I could ask for, and then the majority of the time lately she has been so horrible for me a...


Due to Deliver Any Day - but I Keep Losing Weight!

K.C. asks from Barnstable

I'm due to deliver July 18th. I have toddler at home, she's 2 yrs and 9 months. My first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes, controlled throughout with diet alone...


Help or Advice Needed for Mom to Be with No Insurance!

R.G. asks from Tampa

HI LADIES! I am 30 and just found out last night I am going to have a baby! Although I am excited it was a complete accident! My husband and I do not insurance and ar...


Missed Period, Have Not Taken a Test, and Disneyland Rides???

D.S. asks from Anchorage

Ok, so here is my question.... I am a week late on my cycle, we have not been preventing but I have not taken a test either. I have not been sick unlike my first pre...


Complications Already

M.T. asks from Bangor

So, Two years ago I had a miscarrige. I was 21. I just found out I am pregnant. I was VERY excited. I went to get an ultrasound and they said my right ovary was abnor...