Telling Friends: Older Child, Princess

Results 21-30 from 173 articles

What to Expect When Adding Child #3 to Family

J.F. asks from Medford

I'm a SAHM in the second month of my third pregnancy. I have two kids (a girl age 3 1/2 and a boy age 2). This pregnancy was quite a surprise for us! I'd always wante...


That's What Abortion Is For?! She REALLY Said This to Me!

A.J. asks from Dallas

Ok, I need to vent before I say something inappropriate that could hurt one of my friendships. Background: 6 months ago, my friend Z started dating a college girl ...


Help Me Become a Better Time Miser

C.M. asks from York

I was not sure what category to place this under, but I need some help. I have a 6, almost 7 year old princess; and a 2 and 1/2 year old train conductor. My house i...


Boys Doing "Girl" Things

K.M. asks from Laredo

I just finished watching What Would You Do and it got me thinking.... If your son wanted to wear "princess" dresses or get a barbie would it bother you? would you ...



M.M. asks from Omaha

I have a 2 year old daughter who is definitely the princess of our family. Everyone calls her princess or sassy including her 4 year old brother! I'm expecting our 3 ...


Advice Needed: Do I Go for It? Having Widely Spaced children.....Or One?

C.R. asks from San Francisco

Hello Everyone - I am a mom to a wonderful 6 year old (almost 7) and have had 3 miscarriages over the last 3 years and part of me wants to keep trying and the other p...


Why Am I the Only One??

N.L. asks from Dallas

Can you moms explain to me why I am the only parent(according to my 10 yr.old daughter) that has not given in and bought her a cell phone?? I totally understand the p...


New Baby

S.H. asks from Kansas City

I am a working mom with a 12month old daughter. I have just found out that we are expecting again. We have a very small house and a small income. We will need to u...


Birthday Party Etiquette?

L.S. asks from San Diego

I just recently asked another birthday party can tell I'm new to this. Do you invite the siblings of the friends you are inviting to a party? I just...


How Much Did You Spend on Halloween Costume?

N.S. asks from Chicago

For the past 3 years my SD's mom has bought the Halloween costume. This year she's trick or treating with us so we bought the costume. I just about DIED when I saw...