dining tables and chairs

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Results 1-10 from 191 articles

Seeking Ideas for an October Wedding

Tables and chairs were included and we were required to have everything cleaned up by noon the following ..... And maybe a dining room for the reception? ...

Please Share Your Wedding Story

That evening, we had an elegant dinner in the dining room. The only people we really .... They had all of the tables and chairs. We just had to decorate. ...

RED Expo Marker on Walls...

... pens, Sharpe marker off of tables and chairs and all sorts of stuff. .... That combo took permanent marker off of my dining room table.... Thank God! ...

Ideas Please ! Big Party for 5 Year Old Early December....

Sep 18, 2009 ... It's totally enclosed from the other dining room and is really big. ... provided opened onto an enclosed grassy area with tables and chairs. ...

1St Birthday

Many of them provide tables and chairs, as well. When our older son was five, ... the video games and the owner didn't charge for using the dining room. ...

Disciplining a 20 Month Old

Can you put a baby gate around the kitchen table & chairs then she loses access .... Climbing Ontop of the Dining Room Table ...

Sesame Street Birthday Party Games

Place a chair in the middle or back of a room where everyone will be able to ... to the back of each of the chairs around the dining room table where we ate ...

Birthday Party for a 13 Year Old Boy. Help!

Anyway, we did musical chairs; only I used their music and instead of grouping the chairs I left them around the tables and they had to move all around the garage. .... living room area with big screen TV and dining area with TV. ...

Indoor Activities

We make forts out of kitchen chairs and blankets. .... Making tents out of blankets draped over the kitchen/dining room table will offer lots of fun. ...

Activities for a 10 Month Old

You can throw a blanket over the dining room table and move the chairs out and put a favorite toy under the table. It's all brand new in the new environment ...
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