feeding solid foods

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Ok, We Started Solid Foods and Now He's Constipated! Help!

S.T. asks from Denver

hi moms. so far my 6 month old has had rice cereal, oatmeal and bananas. He's been on solid foods for about two weeks now. and as I've heard, bananas and grains are n...


12 Month Old Refuses to Eat Solid Foods.

K.D. asks from St. Louis

my son just turned one a week ago. he has been breastfeed the entire time. when he was 6 month old i started him on baby food and he did really good. i decided when h...


8 Month Old Has No Interest in Solid Foods - Gags...

L.P. asks from Philadelphia

My exclusively bestfed son just turned 8 months old today, and so far I think he has yet to swallow 1 Tbsp worth of solid foods. We started solids at 6 months and fi...


Breastfeeding and Solid Foods

D.P. asks from Chicago

Hi moms. I would like to ask others who have breastfed their babies, how frequently they would breastfeed their babies once solids have been introduced. My baby, wh...



D.L. asks from Kansas City

I am just curious on feeding. I have a 2 1/2 week old daughter and she seems like she is still hungry after 2 oz of formula at what point can I increase her formula ...


8 Month Old and Solid Foods

D.G. asks from Flagstaff

My 8 month old son is primarily breastfed, however I am slowly starting to incorporate homemade organic food into his diet. He is so interested in what we are eating...


What Kind of Solid Foods to Start Feeding My Daughter

B.B. asks from Detroit

What kind of food do you usually start to feed your nine month old baby? what is safe and okay to feed them? What is the best finger foods?


Feeding Table Foods

B.W. asks from Atlanta

I have a very healthy 10-month-old who loves to eat, but I am not having much success moving him to table foods or anything with more texture than pureed baby food. ...


How Can I Get My Daughter to Eat Solid Foods?

L.B. asks from Chicago

My daughter usually prefer to drink milk rather than to eat solid foods. She'll just taste the food once then refuse to be fed again. She prefer rice porridge. No cer...


Thumb Sucking Durnig Solid Food Feeding.

M.F. asks from Toledo

My son is 5+ months old and has been on his first foods for almost two months. The last few weeks he has started sucking or chewing on his thumb in between sponfulls...

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Answer Highlights

  • by annabel karmel in 2 answers "It is called First Meals by Annabel Karmel."
  • babies put everything in their mouth in 2 answers "... than the rest of his body and that is way Babies put everything in their mouth."
  • his digestive system in 2 answers "... 3 months and keep him completely on breast milk or formula. His digestive system ..."
  • gag reflex in 3 answers "... introducing solids to my breastfed son at 6 mos and he had a strong gag reflex."
  • their own pace in 2 answers "All little ones move at their own pace and I know you probably heard that a ton of ..."