happy trail

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Results 31-40 from 1,164 articles

How Can I Make Sense of This Workplace Weirdness?

S.T. asks from Los Angeles

My manager and I always had a very strained relationship. Let's call him Dan. He asked me my age during the job interview and expressed many times during the inter...


A Question About a Situation with a Friend and Social Media SWH Added

E.B. asks from Honolulu

This is not a teen issue. I have a friend who's about my age (middle-aged, let's just leave it at that!). She's been a good friend for about 10 years. Loyal, h...


Would You Survive?

R.D. asks from Richmond

I feel like I'm living Oregon Trail... waiting for mail via Pony Express... stupid hurricane! I have, however, grown a LOT through this. I used to whine to myself ...


Angry Downstairs Neighbor? ... Ignorant?

L.M. asks from Washington DC

My husband 3 year old daughter, and 8 month old have been living here for 9 months and the neighbors who have been living below us since before we moved in have not b...


What Should I Do About My Marriage?

T.N. asks from Denver

I’m not happy in my marriage and I don’t know what to do. To make a long story somewhat short, I’ve been married for 11 years. I got married when I was 25 and ...


Looking for Places to Go Horseback Riding

S.H. asks from Dallas

I'm looking for a good place to go horseback riding - does anyone have any suggestions? When I was younger, I went to a place where they basically gave you a horse, s...


Biking with a Child Trailer?

C.N. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms! I am mom to a 3 year old and as summer approaches, we are looking forward to the beach and other outdoor activities. One of our favorite outings is a mile ...


I Need a Good Stroller

C.W. asks from Washington DC

Okay, you would think after 3 children that I would have the stroller issue down, but sadly, I still can't seem to get one that both me and my child like. We current...


How to get rid of break outs causes by drooling in infant?

H.G. asks from Dallas

My 5 month old son drools...A LOT. Along with the drool, he loves to chew on his hands. He wears a bid anytime he is awake and I have taken to wiping his hands and ...


Birthday Party Planning

H.N. asks from Biloxi

my oldest turned 6 in August. Due to my husband being out of work at the time we post poned the party till next weekend. Money is still tight so I am trying to plan...

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