math tutors

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Results 51-60 from 394 articles

Homework Help from the Math Whizzes Out There...

J.M. asks from Missoula

Alright, so I know that this isn't *technically* the place to ask this, but the server is down for our online tutors and I am STUCK and can't figure this out... I nee...


How Much Do You Pay for K-8th Tutoring?

D.H. asks from Dallas

I am a SAHM. We are currently working on the "Dave Ramsey" financial plan and I'd like to add to our income by doing some tutoring. I am wondering how much to charg...


Mom of 9 Years Old Needing Tutor Help

B.P. asks from Boston

My daughter is going to be 10 in April and is despratly needing help in math. She just is not getting it. I have tried here at home making flashcards and what not, ...


8 Year Old Son Who Is Not Interested in School Academics.

S.P. asks from New York

My 8 year old has no interest in school what so ever. He likes going to school but it takes him to long to finish his work , he is easily distracted and he is forget...


I-pad for Work ... College Math Teacher

G.♣. asks from Springfield

My department chair just sent me an email telling me to come pick up my new I-Pad. Of course I'm very excited, but I have no idea where to start. How will this help...


Seeking Help for 8 Year Old

J.M. asks from Chicago

Hi I am having problems with my 8 year old who is in 3rd grade and her reading & math in class and homework. She is failing in Math and she struggles with her homewo...


What to Charge for Tutoring?

H.P. asks from Boston

I am a SAHM, former Spanish teacher for 10yrs. and am thinking about tutoring in Spanish (at the middle and high school level), but am unsure of how much to charge pe...


Any Suggestions for a 3Rd Grader Struggling in School?

C.P. asks from Raleigh

I have an 8 year old who is struggling in school. he's always been right on grade level (with effort) but this year has been particularly difficult for him academical...


Help with Child That Is Struggling in School

N.A. asks from Philadelphia

Hi moms My DS is currently in middle school and in 8th grade. For quite some time, I have seen him get more and more disinterested in school. He only cares about...


Daughter Flunking Two Classes

M.K. asks from San Diego

My daughter is 12 in 7th grade and she's flunking Math and Science. Math especially is a concern because she is tutored but says she still doesn't get it and complete...

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Answer Highlights

  • attention deficit disorder in 3 answers "He has ADD-attention deficit disorder."
  • honor roll student in 2 answers "... other plans😉) Fyi...My daughter is now a distinguished honor roll student ..."
  • reading your swh in 2 answers "After reading your SWH, it sounds like the problem isn't actually school."
  • had him tested for add in 2 answers "... this to his 4th grade teacher she asked if we'd ever had him tested for ADD."
  • make honor roll in 2 answers "If you don't make honor roll for the quarter, you lose your phone and other electronics ..."