my daughter just turned two... regarding the molars, you'd likely notice him also putting his hands in his mouth more often, etc. anyways... the other advice is good...but no one mentioned the idea of "talking with him about it." i don't think he's too young for this though you may have to do it over a couple days/mornings and with patience/calm approach. when he does this, climb into bed with him (or lay with him if possible) and talk with him about "why did you wake up?" maybe you "recount" his day, ask if he had a dream? was he too warm? did he hear a noise? is he hungry? and so on... in an attempt to see if you & he can solve this together. it will also give you a chance to let him know that "you've woke up too early" "everyone is still sleeping" "it's still nigh-nigh time." ask if he understands this? tell him the impact this has on the family (i.e. Mommy/ Daddy have to go to work & we all need our sleep) if he does understand then leave the room and let him drift back to sleep/ self soothe to sleep (i.e. CIO)... or give him something "low key" to play with til he drifts off...nothing to stimulate him or that feels like a reward for being up. Just another angle/ approach to consider.