Anyone Have a Party at Colonial Oaks Park in Sarasota?

Updated on March 28, 2008
M.H. asks from Springfield, VA
5 answers

I need to plan a party for my son on April 12th and this is the only park I can find open! I obviously waited too long. All the indoor play places are just too expensive! Has anyone had a party here and how was it? My big worry is the weather since the pavilions are so small. Any imput as soon as possible would be appreciated! If there is somewhere else I haven't thought of, let me know. I would do Longwood park, but I like the idea of actually reserving something.

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answers from Sarasota on

My sister had my nieces party there a few years ago and it was nice, it is small but it worked. Another place is Twin Lakes they have a huge pavillion there and its nice, the playground area also has small areas that you can use too, or theres Cooper Creek Park too thats a nice one and it has a big pavillion with the play area right there. Hope it all works out well for you. :-)



answers from Sarasota on

I have not had a party there but have been to a BBQ someone else had. Yes, the pavillions are not big but they are nice and shaded and the playground is fabulous for big and little kids (it's our neighborhood park, so we're there all the time).
The party we were at they had only reserved one of the pavillions but we wound up 'taking over' the one next to it since there was nobody using it. That helped a lot with space, but obviously there's no guarantee you'll be able to do that.
Have you tried Siesta key? They have decent size pavillions that are also reservable but, as you said, the late date may mean it's already full.
Best of luck!



answers from Sarasota on

What about Bayfront's free of course but, the kids can run through the sprinklers.

GTBray park you can reserve time and spot....and kids can go swimming...u do have to pay.

Lakewood Ranch YMCA is nice....there is a charge.



answers from Sarasota on

I haven't ever had a party at Colonial Oaks, but it is a nice park and there is a great play area for the children. You could also check out Bee Ridge Park off of Wilkenson. I recently had a cook out there, it's first come first serve for the pavillion and there is a nice play area for the children. Hope this helps!



answers from Sarasota on

We had a party for my son there and it was fun. The kids played on the playground until we ate at the pavilion. Then we gave all the kids kites for the party favor and we flew kites in that big open area right by the pavilions. Everyone had a good time!
Good luck- I hope the weather is nice for you!

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