Hi L.,
Every thing I would tell you is right on the front page of this web site. I wet the bed till I was 13, my uncle till he was 16 and my dad till he was 12. I bet if you ask around, you will find there is a history in yours or your husband's family. I am fully expecting at least one of my girls to have this problem too. I even found out after a year or so that my best friend was also a bed wetter. One night at a sleep over, which I never wet the bed at someone elses house, she wet the bed, but we woke up and did not know who had done it.
My mom tried everything except trying to understand it. I even wore the pad with buzzer that they talk about on this web site. It worked for a while and definitely helped with laundry, but I learned to turn it off while still sleeping and eventually it shorted out and stopped working. Also it has to be completely dry in order for it to work, so sometimes on a weekend morning I would wet the bed twice. It was good though for a while. There was a pill too that I took for a while that did work, but was also a temporary fix. This was 25 years ago though for me, so ask your pedi and do some research on the net.
The most important thing to know and remember is that it is not his fault. No one wets the bed on purpose. Do see a Dr. for a possible urinary tract infection, especially with cutting back on liquids, this could be the case, now or later. Also know that cutting back on liquids at night may cause a few dry nights or smaller puddles, but will not cure him. Be understanding and supportive of him and have him take some responsibility for his own little problem. He is 6 and can at least strip his own bed in the morning to help you out.
Best of luck and hopefully it will not last long. Try a few things, even Goodnights pull-ups. do what works best for him and you.