Hi S.,
I just went through that with my 15 month old daughter, who was incredibly attached. I had to do it over a month and a half. First, I made 4 clear (and consistant) times that she nursed, then cut down one by one and distracted her or put her down for her nap, depending on the time. I left the bed time one for last and kept it for a few weeks. Then I would make sure she was very tired, by doing some very fun and active things during the day. Finally, after her bath, we went on a 5 minute drive, then I just put her in bed with a sippy cup of water.
The first two nights went really well, but the third she realized what was happening and I had to let her fuss for 5 minutes before she slept. On the 4th night, she was pretty used to going to sleep with only a sippy cup of water.
Occassionally, she still will want to nurse, especially if she is laying right next to me or is really tired. Distraction and a small explanation has worked the best for me.
Good luck!