With all of the things on the news about children being abducted, etc, it's great to be suspicious and concerned, as this will hopefully eliminate the possibility of something like this happening to our children, with any luck. But, you seem to have somewhat of a phobia about it, and I'm not saying that in a bad way at all. I am definitely guilty of being a little overprotective with my children, and 2 of my daughters are grown and gone, and I have an 8 yr old daughter at home. Hannah, don't run because you could fall and knock your teeth out. Hannah, stay by me in the store, because a stranger could grab you and take off with you, etc . etc. You get my drift. Sometimes we just have to trust in ourselves, in our children, and in God, that are children will be fine, and do everything in our power to ensure that, but there is a point of going overboard. Otherwise, when our children get older, we will have instilled so many phobias and fears in them, that they will be afraid to do anything. When Hannah was 5 and with her Dad at his parents, her dad let her cross the street and she walked into the path of an oncoming truck! I got a call from her aunt, that she was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, and I literally lost it! Well, the truck was going very slow and only hit her hand, so she broke her hand and that was it, Thank God! When Hannah was 6, I got a call from the school nurse, that Hannah had fallen on the playground, and that I may need to take her to our small town Dr (quack) for a few stitches. Well, when I arrived at the school, I learned that Hannah had fallen from the top of this old metal slide, that was due to be taken down, and had landed on her head on the cement underneath. They then got her up and walked her over 100yds into the nurses office! I literally freaked out when I saw her! They probably thought that I was very overprotective when I told them that I was taking her to the next town, to the emergency room. It took about 15 minutes for someone to offer to drive us. Well, Hannah had 3 skull fractures, a broken arm, a severe concussion, her whole beautiful face was one giant scrape, and the whole inside of her mouth, where the lip meets the gums, was completely ripped open, and she needed stitches on her temple where one of the fractures was. She had spinal fluid leaking, and she spent 3 days in the hospital. The doctors said that she should not have been moved, as she could have fractured her neck or back, and she could have died or had been paralyzed! This happened at her school, where we believe that our children are safe. My whole point is, that sometimes things happen that are completely out of our control, and it's so hard because as mothers it kills us inside, when we can't protect our children from everything bad. It's great to be cautious, but don't let it drive you crazy, because it will if you let it. I love babies so much, that I would probably freak you out, because I LOVE BABIES! I honestly believe that I'd have more if I could, so I always walk up to babies and talk to them, and I talk to toddlers, and I just honestly love little ones, so I'm looking forward to having grandchildren someday. Be cautious, but enjoy your little ones, and take pride in the fact the other people enjoy them too.