I see Dr. Campbell in Plano. (Northlake OBGYN) As of last March, when I delivered my 2nd son, her global fee was $3100. My portion of the bill, after insurance paid their 80%, for a uncomplicated vaginal delivery, was $464.56. Our total bill for her was $514.56, including my sons $250 circumcision which we paid $50 of.
Now keep in mind Dr. Campbell's global fee does not cover lab & sonos. I'm not sure if Dr. Shimer's does --but probably not. Also they may charge more for a C-section, I'm unsure what my Dr. would charge for that kind of delivery.
To answer your other question about hospitals -- I have never been to Presby Allen but if it is anything like Presby Plano you may need to run over the hospital bill with a fine tooth comb. Presby Plano likes to charge and charge again for things you did not receive. BUT I have not yet heard any complaints for that facility. It may be because I don't know anyone who has delivered there. However, word does travel fast through our little sewing circles if something has gone amiss with a hospital stay. AND as for McKinney I will never set foot into that place again after an ER Dr. dislocated my son's poor little elbow. And then he didn't accept our insurance so we had to pay his entire bill out of our pocket. It's a long story, if you feel like hearing it let me know...
Anyway, I hope I could help and that what I wrote wasn't confusing. Good luck with your investigation!! Let me know what you find out, I'm a little curious myself.