Interesting article here about a recent study . . . http://abcnews.go.com/Health/GMAHealth/brain-tumors-denta... .
With my children I try to limit them to no more than once every couple of years.
I heard we should decline dental xrays for our children because the xrays can be harmful to them. Last week at the dentist, I declined my 8 year old's dental xrays. The dentist told me many parents do this because of this very concern, but said that the xrays are the only way to know if there are any cavaties in between the teeth. When he told me that, I then wondered if he had any cavitites in between his teeth and was torn on what to do. I decided against the xrays, but we are going back this week for my son to get sealance on a few of his teeth, and they told me they can do the xrays then. I am curious to know if dental xrays are a concern for anyone, and if you avoid the xrays, do you worry about cavities in between the teeth? Thanks!
Thanks for your replys so far! Now I am wondering if it is standard for kids to have xrays once or twice a year?
Interesting article here about a recent study . . . http://abcnews.go.com/Health/GMAHealth/brain-tumors-denta... .
With my children I try to limit them to no more than once every couple of years.
I'm glad I did the x-rays. If I had declined them, we would never have found out that two of her adult teeth were growing at an angle. If we would not have caught that they would have damage two of permanant teeth that had already grown in. We ended up haveing to get two teeth pulled in hopes that they would come down to the right place instead. It worked and I'm glad because we would have had much bigger problems on our hands if we would not have known how her other teeth were growing. Not only that, but they can look at all the adult teeth that are still waiting to grown in. I think x-rays are a great idea because kids mouths change so much as they grow.
We never avoided any xrays. There is so much media hype out there to put the fear in so many people. You get more damage from the sun and breathing daily than you do with an xray once a year.
Don't you love the media and how they try to scare people. It's a wonder so many of us are alive.
We also used the sealants which were covered by our insurance and even if they weren't, I would have paid the $50/tooth out of pocket.
Our daughter is 17, never had a cavity and has a beautiful set of teeth with no orthodontic treatment.
You're actually exposed to more radiation just walking around outside on any given day.
X-rays can find things wrong with teeth that a dentist's eye cannot. I am crazy about my kids' teeth because they need to keep them for life. My dentist is also a good friend of mine and I trust her judgment. She takes x-rays once a year.
We are constantly exposed to radiation just by being alive. If you read a book you're exposed to radiation (it's in the wood the paper is made from) and if you have a smoke detector, you're exposed that way as well.
You are exposed to more radiation while flying in a plane than during a dental x-ray. If you refuse dental x-rays, you should refuse to fly as well.
If you are doing it once a year, you really shouldn't worry about it. Sealants can't help in between the teeth, and they need to be able to tell everything in between the teeth is okay.
Like fluoride, xrays are part of the arsenal we have at our disposal to prevent a mouthful of cavitites for our children. We as parents (well, of my generation, at least) didn't have as much to help us and we have mouthfuls of fillings. Today, with the right dental care, our kids can go through their entire childhoods without any cavitites at all!
We are only doing it once a year instead of every 6 months. Also, make sure they are covering your child's thyroid (in the neck) with the lead gown.
my kids do x rays once a year. They have both had cavities between their teeth.
they need the x-rays for all the great reasons described by the other posts... but you can always ask them to double up on the lead aprons for some extra protection. I had a dental problem that HAD to be addressed while I was pregnant and they had to take x-rays in order to do it. I spoke to my OB first and she said the risk to the baby was actually greater from the dental issue than it was from the x-ray, but to be as safe as possible, have them double up on the lead aprons.
X-Rays showed that both boys needed to have teeth pulled due to new teeth threatening to grow into the roots of permanent teeth. The dentist and orthodontist were able to plan what teeth to pull, what teeth to file, and what type of appliance was needed to correct the teeth. As for sealants, my dentist is recommending against them. I'm not too sure why.
worked in the field for 7+ years.
Do the xrays...it truly is the only way to properly & thoroughly check for cavities.
& kudos to you for allowing the sealants. Both of my sons were cavity free their entire childhoods because of those sealants!
What Bobbi said. If your dentist is using digital xrays, you actually get more radiation exposure from a cross-country flight. Last year we had our equipment inspected by the state and the readings were so low that wearing the lead aprons isn't even necessary. Of course, we still have the patients wear them, more because of fear than necessity. Most insurance plans pay for bitewing xrays one time per year for children and adults.
I'm w/ Angela S. Our child has them every two years or so unless our dentist alerts me that there may be a problem brewing. We also decline the in-office fluoride treatments as our city's water is heavily fluoridated. Our hygienist commented that they've seen quite a bit of fluorosis in their (child) patients teeth.
I never decline xrays... its nit like takes an hour 10 mins at most. If your dr thought your child had a broken limb would you deny that xray. Once a year is all they need unless medically necitary