6 weeks, and then some!! I didn't want him to even touch me! I had such a miserable pregnancy, I could have strangle him, if he tried to knock me up again :)
Im sorry, but I dont want to wait two more weeks! Ahhhhh! Did you wait the whole six weeks post baby before you did it again? I think Im just going to do it! ;) Sorry TMI
I had a c-section and my tubes tied! Wahooo!
6 weeks, and then some!! I didn't want him to even touch me! I had such a miserable pregnancy, I could have strangle him, if he tried to knock me up again :)
I had a c-section and it was a little more than 3 months for me. I just didn't feel completely back to normal until then.
Nope. But I didn't have any stitching to worry about either.
My CNMW/OB team just said:
"Try it whenever you feel like it. Just go slow. You'll know if it's too early!"
Please get cleared by your doc first. There's a reason. I learned the hard way.
if you do decide not to wait, be sure to use protection.. i waited until after my 6 wk checkup....the dr and i were kidding around about how some women come for their 6 wk checkup and are already pregnant. well, i got pregnant on week 7 so my kids are 10 and a half months apart.
That was the last thing on my mind! Good for you for being ready to go!
I didnt wait the full 6 weeks, and kind of regretted it. Was not pleasant even though he was gentle and some bleeding occurred. I did not have a major tear and had 2 stitches after labor, so it wasnt like I was recovering from a section or a major tear or anything. You know your body, if it doesnt feel right, let hubby know and sidebar it for a couple of weeks.
Its ok! No such thing as tmi here! We've got your back! With my first there's no way in gods green earth I would of had sex even 8 wks after having him but... with my second we had sex 4 wks after. I wasn't sore and all healed up and good to go. Just take it slow. Your mind may think your ready and your body may put the brakes on! Congrats on your baby!
6 weeks nope not me more like over 3 months.Yup I didn't want anything to do with sex
I didn't have a baby, but I did have a D&C..Dr. told us to wait 2-3 weeks for me to heal (I know it's not 6, but it still feels like forever). We just started getting back into it (it hurt the first couple of times), but MY MY MY was it WORTH the wait!! :)
1 - waited 5 weeks. Her dad on East coast and that was when he came back. At 3 week check my dr asked if I was going to be... because if I was i needed to get on birth control so I wouldn't have babies 7 months apart! So went with it!
2 - still waiting and she's 21 months! If there's ever anyone worth it then maybe....
With #1 I waited 5 weeks and it was definitely uncomfortable. I had tears from birth that still weren't fully healed I think.
With #2 we only made it 3 1/2 weeks but I also didn't have any tears or episiotomy stitches from birth either. It was good.
Just make sure to go slow and have some KY nearby just in case.
two years and waiting (lol, joking). but yes, I did wait the six weeks. And then I was so tired with three under three I did not want to do anything but sleep if there was no-kid time!
Nope, 2 C-sections, and didn't wait either time. I think we lasted about 2 weeks. I'm not recommending that anyone else follow suit, but it worked for us. No problems or complications.
Depends on the type of birth. Vaginal, I'm still sore at six weeks. I always waited the full amount and it wasn't comfortable still. I had one c-section and at three weeks it was no problem!
OMG your too funny ! I was the Opposite and was like DONT TOUCH ME !! hahaha took me a loong time to "want" to do it again ! I'm jealous of you !
DO IT ;-)
We waited, we also did other things. :) LOTS of "petting".
I had a C-Section with both. Waited about 5 weeks with our first, and 4 with our second. :)
No way! I waited 2 1/2 before I tried the first time and it was uncomfy so we waited one more.. just gauge how you feel down there and go for it!
My midwife told me to wait 4-6 weeks, depending on how you feel. With my first two I waited 4 weeks, with my third I think it was 7! If you are no longer bleeding and you feel up to it, go for it! But use birth control, no one wants to have babies only 9 months apart!
BTW - I had vagninal births, no tearing or episiotomies so that helped.
NM, answered the wrong question...
I'm in the "more" camp. If my body had felt better (and if my libido was at all awake), I may have done it much sooner.
i think it doesnt matter if you feel fine.
for me i had to wait more than six weeks. i have VERY hard recoveries. i usually wait three months.
I had to wait another 6 months til I got anything because my husband was deployed in Afghanistan.
I wish we could have, but he was deployed 2 days after we found out I was pregnant. He was gone for a very long year. Lol!
If you arent bleeding anymore, and arent in pain you could probably do it very carefully. You dont want to tear anything in there and you definitely dont want to get pregnant again so quickly! So use protection girl, it happens more than you think to others.
Have fun ;)
I had c-sections, and we just waited about four weeks, until after all the bleeding and everything stopped, and I felt OK. Just go slow, and do what you feel like doing. Have fun!! :)
It took nine weeks for me to not be sore. And I had no stitches at all. And I was a little busy besides...
I didn't and tried but it didn't last more than trying to get funky bcuz it hurt so much. I'm not sure what happens down there when you have a c-section but it still hurt like crazy til about 6 weeks.