In regards to your fears, check a site called
it's free.. it's about emotional , freedom , exercises.. whereby you learn to "tap" specific meridians that help you to re-train your thought patterns.
there are tons of stories on there (esp with regard to flying which is one of the top ten fears, including heights) so you aren't alone...
for awhile, I had begun to feel claustrophobic when it came to riding public transportation and feeling crowds around me.. I started practicing the EFT and even went to a private EFT teacher (but that got too expensive) then thinking I was going to throw in the towel on this EFT biz, I picked up Gary Craig's EFT manual and read it.. once I read it, EFT began to really sink in and I started doing the tapping again for my anxiety..
although, it took me awhile, for the last 8 mos or so, I haven't had to get off a crowded bus (which I often did) and too.. I was able to ride our metro system and go thru a tunnel without getting overly anxious.. However, there was one point when all of a sudden the train began to slow down (which in my mind = being stuck.. I did begin to panic a little and get that shakey feeling.. then I began to calm my breathing and do a little bit of the tapping (w/o attracting attn to myself) and gotta say.... I did calm down and unlike before......... whereby once I got to the next stop I;d have gotten off.. this time, I stayed on the train :):) and although I was still shaken, I felt do proud of myself for NOT giving in or as I call it "feeding my anxiety" I believe that IF you allow yourself to feed the anxiety, it will then grow...............which can further sustain your fear and in some cases, make it even worse.. so give EFT a try... what the heck, you have nothing to lose.. but your fears :) I hear someone say.. Fear is just a feeling.... I think if you can look at it that way that it's just a feeling, then you might begin to feel that you have some power and can perhaps work on changing the feelings... Before I heard that, I always thought of fear as this"being" but once I began to relate to it as a feeling just like you would happiness or sadness, I got a better grip of it and feel more empowered..
good luck!!