Hi R., I have three sister and one brother.
54, 53, 50, 47, and 44 (me).
Through the decades we've had varying degrees of closeness. But there was never a time when any one of us 'didn't get along' with any other one.
My two oldest sister were inseperable when they were young, as were me and the next sister up. Last decade whoever it's shifted. Now I am closest to my oldest sister, and the two in the middle are closer.
My brother shakes his head and rolls his eyes at us, but makes his own effort to keep us close. No man in the world knows more about women than an only boy with four sisters!
We all have our quirks, we're all different kind of parents, into different things. The reason it works is we ALL try to let the differences go. We all try to come together on the common things, we all try to actually even LEARN from our differences, you know?
We spend a lot of time together. Our kids (although dramatically different) are close by choice now that they're older as well.
It's a rich life, I'm very fortunate to have such a large cheering squad behind me, and to have the chance to root them all on as well.