Thumbs up to Sarah. :)
Honey, what you described isn't the "cry-it-out" method so many of us are passionately against.
Here's the scenario: It's seven thirty (or whatever time) at night and baby isn't really tired yet but you have decided that you want your baby to go to bed at seven thirty every night--end of story, no debate. So you pick up your bundle of joy and plop him into the crib, kiss his forehead, tell him it's time for sleep, and walk out the door shutting it behind you. Baby starts crying because he doesn't want to be alone and you don't come. Half an hour goes by and baby has worked himself up so much that his face is red, his heart is pounding, and the sounds coming from this baby are more closely related to screams of panic, but you don't come...because it's eight o'clock and he needs to be asleep since this is the schedule you've picked out for him. An hour goes by and he's gasping for air, screaming, wailing, flailing, and his stomach is wrenching to squeeze the air in, he's getting air trapped into his gastrointestinal system and is now also in pain from the cramping due to all that air...but you don't come because--darn it--he needs to figure out how to sleep. This goes on until out of sheer exhaustion he sleeps, not because he's finally figured out it's ok to sleep, but because he simply cannot stay conscience due to the energy he's expended.
This is one of those things that is just like the spanking debate. Many times the two camps are defending two different pictures. I don't think a baby will die or be traumatically changed for life if it takes you 5-10 minutes to respond though I think the quicker the better (you know, as soon as you can given the situation)whether your child is 3 minutes old are all the way up to 93 years old...let's not make people wait just because we can--it's kind of rude. I do however detest people who just abandon their babies at a certain time of night and leave them to cry for hours just because they want to be off the clock. I have watched females put infants in cribs and walk all the way out of their homes so they don't have to listen to their babies cry as a matter of routine. THIS is the CIO method that we anti CIO mothers are so passionately against...NOT the 90 second whimper.
There are others who like to put their babies down and do this 5 minute, 10 minute, 15 minute increased increment visit to talk to and pat their baby. To them it makes sense, they feel like they are letting baby know they are there and therefore supporting the baby's sense of safety. Now for me, that would just tick me off to know the person I needed/wanted was standing by doing absolutely nothing of value for me. (value as I see it in the moment) I would not find any comfort in knowing people I depend on are standing by while I'm under stress, feeling alone, and uncomfortable...I would not trust them for long and become more needy and insecure because of not knowing when they were going to decide not to be helpful again. But to others this makes sense. To me it's just teasing and tormenting like dangling a bone in front of a hungry dog and pulling it away...or a game of keep-away.
If you KNOW that you know that you know that your baby will fall asleep in 5 minutes if you lay him or her down...then by all means, lay your baby down. If you just think he or she should be cause YOU want to be off the clock...that's a different story.
I know lots of moms who are proponents of cry-it-out that don't actually let their babies cry and cry...they just wait a few minutes to see if baby will go back to sleep before they respond. Good. Fine. ME, I don't consider that CIO.
So, I've learned there are debates that first must be defined before really delving into them--though I forget to do that sometimes before jumping and making comments. When talking about spanking, are we talking about one light swat to the bum or are we talking about hitting very firmly three to five times, etc... When talking about the Cry-It-Out method, what exactly do we all mean when we're debating because a lot of the time I find that those who disagree actually DO agree when everything is clarified because they were arguing about different pictures.