Welcome to mamapedia....
You are 29 years old. What is your education like? What do you do for a living?
Your son's father is not paying child support WHY???
WHO calls you the B word?? And why?
Your dad did something nice. He took you in. You are complaining about his drinking and smoking. Yet you are living in HIS HOME. Okay. He even took in his ex-wife. She moved out - why can't you move in with her?
Why do you feel like you need to buy all the food and essentials? Is there an agreement set up between you and your dad? If not, why?
What is your plan for your future? How are you going to improve your situation? Why not start with getting an education so you can get a better paying job to live on your own? Why not go back to court and get child support in place to help pay for your son? The biological father does have responsibility in this!! You are NOT alone. Stop acting like it. You have options, you just don't see them.
Why not reach out to social services and see if you can get Section 8 housing? Why not see if you are able to get grants to get back to school??
Making decisions? Please. You are NOT the only one making decisions every day. This is life. It's a roller coaster, you have highs and lows. The difference is HOW ARE YOU GOING TO REACT to the highs and lows??
You want your life to change? Don't sit back and expect other people to do it for you. Open your eyes, get off your pity pot (yep - we all have pity parties - I had one last week) and get a plan in place. Then start taking steps to get that plan going.
Don't like where you live but can't afford to move? You CAN. you just need a plan. Get your ducks in a row. Open your eyes to the options you have.
Good luck!