WOW, hold the horses at $300 an hour. Looks like you are getting taken for a financial ride. Going to psychics is one of those things that people do, but don't broadcast that they do it. I'll admit it here -- been there and done that.
Psychics give good general advice like save your money, and take your vitamins. Good psychics tell you who to stay away from and give you particulars such as specific trips,the actions of your friends, job loss and how to handle troubling situations.
So, what really is the future? It is the actions that we and our friends and families plan to take and how they will affect us. My father always called psychics 'mind readers'. Meaning they read your mind and spin it back to you in statements like "I see"
I stopped going to psychics for religious reasons. Like it violates the First Commandement of 'Thou shall not have strange gods before me'. We have been told that only God knows the future and when we go to psychics we are assigning an attribute of God to a human being.
Okay, so you really find an accurate psyhcic, so don't you find it scary that there is a force or a being that has the inside scoop on your life? I do. A lot of Christians feel that the occult falls under the realm of the devil. I read one time that the devil has overt knowlege, meaning he can figure the actions we can take.
So, why mess with that situation? I stay away from Ouji Boards also.
A sign of the occult is super human knowledge. I was told by a priest that this is a good way to anger God and this is what David (? not sure on the biblical figure) who went to a wizard and God punished him by losing his battle/ and or kingdom. There are also all kinds of Bible passages that warn us about the occult. So get together with your Bible Study friends and read up on the Bible.
I read in the PD in a Saturday article back in the early 90s that people should stay away from psychics because demons/spirits can follow them home after readings. I thought this was totally creepy. Yes, this was in the PD! So, how do I handle all this? I tell myself to believe in DIVINE PROVIDENCE and when I think about it, I tell myself, that "The HOLY SPIRIT is my guide." Also, pray to your Guardian Angel. Us humans DO have great spiritual allies.
My advice, stay away from psychics. Get a prayer life and a Bible study life. A lot of times, you can be your own psyhcic. Trust your gut feelings about personal issues and people. If you think someone is trouble on the double, you may be right! Use your own FREE common sense to handle situations. You know, God DID give us all a brain to use. Surround yourself with good friends who can give you quality adice for FREE and not $300 an hour.
The downside of going to psychics. It can be addictive, and you may feel that you life is predestined and that you don't have control of anything. It might make you feel that they have more on the ball than you.
This may not be answer you were looking for, but I hope it puts you on a NEW spiritual and intellectual path.
Good Luck.