I think often women feel this way. No matter how good/bad your relationship with your spouse is, it seems that women take the brunt of most/all housework and children. My husband works night so dinner and the kids all fall to me. I was doing all of the housework too because it took him several hours every week to do the yard (we live in the country). If I needed help with the laundry, I could ask and he'd throw in a load or take the trash out as long as I left him a note. He did help with dishes without me asking. I have a 2 month old and 2 year old now and since my 2 month old was born, I realized I need his help more and more. And that got me thinking. A relationship is supposed to be comprised of two individuals giving 100% of their time to not only each other but to everything that needs to be done to make a marriage/life/house work. That includes cleaning, bills, shopping, etc. Thinking about all this, it really made me want to tlak to my husband and demand more help. Because we work opposite schedules, i didn't want to have that conversation on the phone or at 2 in the morning with a sleeping baby next to the bed. So I typed him a note (four pages!) explaining what I love about him and how I realize things are different becuase we work different schedules but that I need his help. I was very specific about a bunch of things. When he got home, he woke me and we talked about it. Turns out, he never worried if he forgot or didn't do something because he knew I would do it! I told him I felt like his mother for 'writing him a note' but he wanted me to do that so I do it! Also, we decided upon a cleaning schedule that works for both of us. Before I was trying to get the house cleaned during teh week so we can be togehter on the weekends. He would rather have his week free (and suggested I do that too since I'm taking care of two kids!) and wanted to clean on Sundays. So he takes 1/2 of the house and cleans those rooms top to bottom while I watch the kids and then I do the same. It's really been great for us and for me!!! I'd say to write him a note first...that way you will avoid fighting and maybe he'll just see things in a different light. I made sure I didn't say anything accusatory and was very nice in the note. But just between you and me...you have it much harder because being a stay at home mom is a job you can never 'turn' off. LIke you said, you go from working at home with daycare to working at home as a mom. With the baths and getting your child ready for bed, I'd have him do it 1/2 the time. Tell him that you need a shower, bath or a few minutes alone (headache?) and ask him to do it. Then comment on how much your child likes that. I suggested my husband put our daughter to bed on the weekends because it's the only time during the week that he can. As far as baths go, I tell my husband baths need to be done and the dishes need to be done (or cleaning up from dinner) and ask which one he wants to do. My husband is big on doing things when he wants to so I can sympathisize about that. Talk to your husband. Tell him you are feeling overlooked, under appreciated, etc. About the weekends, get out and take some 'you' time. Don't worry about if your husband uses the tv as babysitter. Men raise children differently. It doesn't mean it's bad the way they do it. When my daughter and husband go into the basement (her playroom and his computer), he puts on the TV a lot...but often times she's running around in between the two rooms playing. He may not parent, clean, etc like you but he's doing it HIS way. Good luck!