I would not recomend a curling iron. That has accident written all over it. I think if you just put it in some foam curlers or soft curlers and leave it overnight you should have a beautiful head of curls. Make sure her hair is wet when you put it in the curlers. They have some really cool ones that look like rods. They don't look like they would be uncomfortable for sleeping. You can get them at Wal Mart in the curler section. If that is not an option you can always get one of those cute ponytail things and put her hair up with that. Another option would be to french braid on both sides and put some baby's breath in the braid. Or just make a ring of flowers and place that on top of her head with her hair down. Simple is definitely better. She will look so beautiful in her dress that no one will notice if you don't fuss with her hair. Plus she will look more natural.