Hair Diddle Diddle - Flower Mound

Updated on December 06, 2007
L.B. asks from Coppell, TX
7 answers

I'm just wondering if anyone has used the Hair Diddle Diddle Salon at Flower Mound Rd and Morriss/Gerault. I think it's relatively new and I am looking for a new kid-oriented salon for my 3-year-old daughter. Thanks!

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So What Happened?

Thanks to everyone for your responses! We went to Hair Diddle Diddle yesterday and my daughter was as calm as she's ever been for a hair cut. Cynthia, who was recommended by a couple of you, made her feel very comfortable and took the time to make sure the cut was even. She "wiggled" the most when Cynthia was in front of her so she couldn't see the Elmo video. :o) Thanks again for all of your help!

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

We have been going there since it opened. Most of the staff are from the Cool Cuts 4 Kids in Parker Square. I like it because it is cleaner and less chaotic then the Cool Cuts in FM. It is pretty easy to get in--even if you just walk in.



answers from Dallas on

We use Hair Diddle Diddle as it is very close to us. I have found it to be comparable to Cool Cutz 4 Kidz in Parker Square, except there seems to be less turnover, so the stylist are usually the same which is good for my little boy. It is very kid-friendly with airplane and firetruck chairs (for boys) and girl-themed chairs, too.... and DVDs to watch during the haircut. The price seems to be the going rate, but if you go online, they usually have a coupon for $2 off.



answers from Dallas on

I take my son there and I think they do a great job. And I am a hairstylist. My grilfriend takes her two girls there and I think they have gotten great cuts. Great people and owner is very nice also. Thay also have some great shirts for little ones...that are very cute!!



answers from Dallas on

I took my 2 1/2-year old little girl there a few months ago and I was really disappointed with her haircut. The place itself is nice and seemed less crowded than Cool Cuts 4 Kids because we got right in and we were the only ones there at 10:30 in the morning. I have my daughter's haircut in a bob and the lady that did it really botched it up. We left the shop with her hair damp and after it dried I saw spots that were uneven and I had to take her back later that day to try and get it fixed. I don't know if it is just a hard haircut for a toddler to get because they have to stay still looking down, but I won't be going back there.



answers from Dallas on

Hi L. -

We go there all the time! I really like it, the store itself could use a good cleaning, but they are reasonably priced and have always done a good job for us. They have a website with a coupon for a $2-3 discount you can print off and take with you too. I want to say after the coupon and with tip I usually spend about $15. They have the DVD players at each station and a big variety of movies to pick from and fun seats for the little ones. My son is 2 and he loves to go to the "hair cut store"! Hope this helps.




answers from Dallas on

It is a nice place, but I tried the new Sweet and Sassy in the new Highland Village shopping center and really liked that. My daughter is three also and they did an awesome job on her hair! My daughter loved it because she is really into princesses right now and they make you feel like a princess. They put a glitter star on their face and spray glitter in their hair. And the bonus is the great lollypop at the end. Price wise I think it is the same as Hair Diddle Diddle.



answers from Dallas on

We use Hair Diddle Diddle all the time for our boys and they love it. We use Cynthia who has been there the since the store opened and was at Cool Cuts before. The boys like having the same person cut their hair. I always make an appointment just in case it is crowded.

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