Ambien is a "Level 1" sleep aid which means you can take it while breastfeeding. It knocks me out every time I take it!
Good Luck:)
I have a great son who sleeps through the night all the time but the problem is I cant....I suffer from anxiety and have always been a bad sleeper. I am trying accupuncture next week as I am still feeding my son so dont want to take medication but if anyone has other suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. It is affecting my day as I am soooo tired, Help.
Ambien is a "Level 1" sleep aid which means you can take it while breastfeeding. It knocks me out every time I take it!
Good Luck:)
I have sleep problems also. it is horrible. Have you tried valarian tea? It is herbal w/o caffine..it seems to help a little bit. It does not knock you out but takes the edge off so your mind stops racing.
A drop of camomile essential oil on your pillow or on a cotton pad near your head when going to sleep.
This sounds weird, but lay on your back with your legs streched out. then for a whole minute (it will seam like a long time) tap the sides of your feet together as fast as you can, concentrate on it. Then after a full minute (longer if your up for it) of your body being so active it will get a hugh calm.
I know for me my head is always racing, I use yoga breathing and essential oils to help. I'm not into drugs. Baths with lavender etc... all help a little. And of course yoga, on months I don't do yoga I don't sleep well, on months where I do it once a week it helps greatly. If I get myself to do it more regularly I sleep well. There are mother and baby classes.
If you are not breastfeeding, you can try Melatonin which you can find at vitamin stores like GNC. Melatonin is actually a natural hormone in your body that helps your body sleep, but sometimes anxiety and stress can override your system. The melatonin suppliment corrects and rebalances you. I know three people who have tried taking the recommended dose of melatonin (which is non-addictive) and they feel they sleep much better. One of these people is my mother, who might just be the most stressed out and anxiety-ridden person I know, and she says it has really changed how she sleeps! Good luck!
I suffered from terrible post-partum depression with severe anxiety after the birth of my first child. There are medications that are safe for you to take while breastfeeding. They help a lot! I started to feel dramatically better within 3 days of starting treatment. I completely understand what you are going through!!! My baby was sleeping through the night (and most of the day too, she was a very sleepy baby) and I was awake all night long. After about the 5th night in a row, I took 2 tylenol PMs and finally fell asleep. (this is before I went to the doctor and realized that I had PPD). THat night, baby woke up for the first time in a month and I was physically unable to go to her to nurse her. I was actually ill from the combination of severe sleep deprivation and the benadryl in the tylenol. Be careful and make sure that your husband knows you aren't sleeping. Try to relax and take a hot shower and rest even if you aren't asleep while the baby naps, and don't drive too much while you are this tired. Go see your OB and talk about the anxiety. There is hope and you don't have to feel like this. Good luck and enjoy your baby.
I have been a awful sleeper since kids and I went to a chiropractor he said that having kids knocks out your natural alignment. So after the 1st alignment I felt so much better but a bit sore, but I have been sleeping like a baby ever since then. I have been back 2 more times and every time it just gets better and better.
I suffer from anxiety and started taking Effexor. It doesn't cross the barrier, so my son doesn't receive any in his breastmilk. Talk to your doctor, there are options there. Don't needlessly suffer with anxiety. I feel so much better since starting the medication a few weeks ago. Many people have a slight chemical imbalance that's easily regulated with a very low dose of medication.
Good luck.
Eliminate sweets and caffeine from your diet -- especially after 7pm. Take the hottest shower right before bed. That always helped my muscles relax when I was prego, and I then slept like a log.
Have you had your thyroid checked lately? After my first was born I developed hypothyriodism. It may be that your thyroid is having to work overtime and that's why you're experiencing some problems with sleep and anxiety. I'd call my doctor if I were you, it can't hurt.
Good luck.
My neighbor had this for the whole first year after her first baby was born. Turned out to her thyroid. Poor woman thought everyone felt so tired the first year. Good luck!
try bennadryl. They actually sell a sleep aid, and that's all it is.