Wow M. we have a lot of similarities going on. I have an 11 and an 8 year old daughter. I share custody with my younger daughter with my ex and she attends school in Alaska and I get her summers and holidays. My 11 year old has little to no contact with her dad by his choice. She is not hyperactive and gets straight A's, but the same behaviors started when she started middle school this year. She also attends a magnant and has ever since the first grade. I really liked her last school, but this year seems that they do not know what in the hell they are doing with the kids over there. The only reason I wanted to keep my daughter in the magnant program is because she is an advanced violinist and they do not offer orchestra in regular public school. If you are not seeking the special programs in the magnant, than I would definitely reccomend you puttinig him into a closer school. I know how difficult working around the schedule with the magnant can be, I spend an extra 1 and a half hours a day transporting my daughter and most days I wonder why. She has developed a really bad attitude, lies about certain things, is disrespectful, lazy, and sloppy. I know that the majority of the problems we are experiencing is due to their age and the changes going on in them, but I also attribute a lot of it to the other types of kids they interact with all day. The reason why magnant schools are able to offer some of the programs they do, is the fact the government gives them special funding because the magnants are placed in very poor demographic areas. The children that live in that area get to just attend the school as normal, but the school atrracts students from better demographic areas so as too bring in "Good Examples" for the other students to learn from. They also rely heavily on the outside parents help and participation since most of the people living in the school area can't or won't participate. My daughter has informed me of several fights and a few PREGNANCIES in her school!!! You have to constantly be on the phone with the school to get information because for the most part they rely on the children to deliver it to us and most don't. The best advice I can give to you is move him from the school and I know it will be hard, but make him accountable for EVERYTHING by contacting each one of his teachers every week and get a list of homework and class expectations from them directly, it's easy if you email them. Explain to them what the issue is and most if not all will be more than willing to participate to help him. When you get home check off what he has completed because then you will know exactly from the horses mouth so to speak what he should have completed. Don't allow him to do anything until the assignments are done to your and his teachers expectations. It will take a lot of extra effort on your part, but after a few weeks of doing this, it will become habit.
The other issue about him making comments about his younger brother is the same for me. My younger doesn't do any better than her in school or activites, but there is a lot of jealousy because I do not get to see her everyday. When she comes into town my older daughter starts acting out making comments like oh yea I forgot you're perfect and tries to torment her. I don't know if this is a older child thing or what, but I have struggled with that issue as well. I know as moms we try to treat our children equal, but for some reason they don't believe that. I'm not sure how much advice I have provided to you, but I wanted you to know that I truly feel your pain and frustration. I have another daughter due in January and with all of the new issues my 11 year old is presenting, I'm scared to death to see how bad it is going to get for me in my house. I know I can't afford it, but if you can it probably would be an excellent idea for you to take him to a counselor. There is a really good one called the kid counselor in clearwater. She offers a 10 week parent child program that ranges from $40-$75 per week depending if she can schedule you with other parents at the same time, it's something to check into if you can find the money and the time. I wish you the best of luck and hope things are brighter in your future.