Do you have a Lady Grace or similar bra store in your area? If not, you might try a good department store with trained fitters in the bra department. Tell them your sensory problem and say what bothers you (labels, hooks, certain types of straps, whatever). Let them measure you (if your sensory issue doesn't prevent that), and let them set you up in a dressing room while they bring you a lot of choices. As you rule things out (too small, too big), set them on different hooks and let the saleslady know that this group is too tight, that group over there is too big, etc. That gives them something to go on. If you find something that's close to what you want, hold on to it for the time being and also tell them you've found something that's along the lines of what you want.
Sometimes these bras are more expensive, but if they fit and you are comfortable, it's worth it. Most stores offer a quantity discount, or give you a card for their buyer's club where you get 1 free after 5 purchases or whatever the limit is. Take advantage of their service and their discounts.