I had a very difficult time with my blended family and I think it could have been easily resolved if not for my husband. One of my stepsons was a joy to have and played with my daughter, was helpful around the house putting his own plates in the sink and picking up after himself. Then, there was the other stepson who was absolutely cantankerous, contrary. If we made plans for all of us to do something, all he had to do was say he didn't want to, and none of us got to do it. He was treated like royalty of some kind and it just burned me up. The other kids were expected to pick up after themselves, but not him. School shopping? The two kids were happy with what they got, but he wasn't happy unless his coat cost at least $200 or his shoes cost that much as well. He had such an air of being better than everyone else which was wholely fostered by my husband. The kid went so far as to say, "You will NEVER tell me no. And if you do, I will NEVER come back to stay with you again." So....he got whatever he wanted to the detriment of everyone else. Instead of his father saying that what was good for everyone else was good for him, he placated him to the point he was unbearable as a teenager.
Your husband might not realize what he's doing. He's hurting the other kids and, he may not think so, but he's hurting his daughter as well.
My husband wouldn't go to counseling about it, so I went by myself.
Like Riley mentioned, the child needed to be treated like part of the family, not like visiting royalty.
My marriage didn't survive. I don't blame the kid. I blame my ex for allowing the things he did. And yes....I heard it a thousand times....."You just hate my son!"
That couldn't have been further from the truth. I wanted him to be part of the family. I thought he should have lived with us full time, not that I had anything against the mom, but he walked all over her too and had been kicked out of school, was truant. I thought he would do better in a home where he had some rules and consistancy as far as attending school and turning in his assignments. The fact is, both those parents let him run the show wherever he was and it had been that way since he was little.
Perhaps you and your husband can get some counseling with someone who specializes in blended families. And yes, sometimes boys and girls are treated differently by virtue of the innate differences between the sexes, but in ANY family, one child should not call the shots for everyone else.
I have a daughter and I certainly didn't want her getting the idea that because she's a female she can get whatever she wants. That's not a healthy precident to set. On the other hand, it's not healthy to teach boys that anything a girls wants has to be given to her.
These are things that will affect their views of the opposite sex once they get older and begin dating and having relationships, etc.
I hope you get some great advice and perhaps you can get some help working with your husband through this.
Best wishes!