I know myself quite well...I have for quite some time. I also know I don't know everything and I probably never will.
I am honest with those around me, but I am guarded. My closest friends and family get all of me. I would be lying if I said I'm an open book outside of my "circle". I would never go against my belief system. I just don't always wear said system on my sleeve. Just my personality.
My strengths are my evennees (level-headed), my ability to think outside of a situation, and I'm fiercly loyal to those I love. My greatest weakness is also my level-headedness (is that a word?). It borders on apathy constantly.
I'm always learning but I'm not always so mindful anymore of where I need to go. I more let life lead me to my lessons. So I'm definetely one that learns through experience and also a little bit of hard knocks. The steps I'm taking to be a better person are by raising my daughter a different way than I was. Im breaking my cycle. I'm also letting go of resentment which has been a HUGE victory for me.
Good post :)