I have passed about fifteen stones (that I know of) in the past 25 years and there are more stones in my kidneys. My last stone about a year and a half ago, was pretty bad and miserable and I ended up hospitalized for a few days bc it just wouldn't pass. Once it did, I went to the urologist ready and armed to do whatever he said; if he said "drink 4 gallons of water everyday" I was ready to make the sacrifice. But this is what he said, "Live your life". Yes, you can increase water intake, but if you drink too much, you will be peeing all the time having to stop in the car to go to the bathroom and what quality of life is that? He basically told me to "manage the stones when they come" - which typically means a trip to the emergency department, IV pain meds, x-ray, and a couple hours stay there; fortunately, my stones seem to come every other year or so, but when they do it IS a big deal because of the intense pain they cause. I have had urine studies done without any true revelation. My conclusion is that as long as they are small enough to pass, to let it happen and pray it's not when I am on vacation in Mexico. I don't know how else to manage it.
Fortunately, my child-bearing years are behind me, but I did have one when I was nursing a baby and because of my commitment to the baby, I chose to stay home and grin and bear it practicing my Lamaze breathing - that was really hard.....guess it was the right decision at the time, but not sure I could do that now. Now, as soon as I have that pain that starts as a twinge, I immediately begin to watch it and if it gets worse I get myself right into the Emergency Dept hoping to ward off all the pain and vomiting that goes with it. If you hear of "causes" that can be corrected, I would be interested in knowing that.