Hi K., I used the nuva ring starting when my son was 5 months old. I had lost all of my baby weight back to my original weight when I started and within about 6 months gained almost 30lbs. I had a suspicious feeling that it was the nuva ring. So, I had the IUD inserted in April. I have lost 25 lbs since then.
The Nuva ring was nice, but you still had to go by the store and get it, pay for it each month.
My IUD was an office copay when it was inserted and that was it. I do have some cramping and bleeding still with it, but the Dr says that should subside within the next month or so. No remembering to go by the store, no pill, I really like it. it is good for 5 yrs also. You are probably very busy working full time with two kiddos and need as convenient, as possible. I like the IUD