When my daughter was two, she "tripped" at the preschool & then suddenly refused to stand up & walk. No tears, swelling, nothing. They called me & I was in a client meeting. You know how kids are - one minute they're dying & the next they're swinging thru the air like Tarzan. So I told them to keep an eye on her and I'd check on her after the meeting. I called back and she still refused. I called the dr and they said they'd see her - but not for like 3 hours, so I sent my mom to get her so I could finish up at work. She sat in a chair & refused to stand up & walk. Still no tears, swelling, nothing. I finally picked her up & took her to the dr. They x-rayed her from the hips to the toes. And, yep, one of the small bones was fractured! Yep I felt like MOTY!
When my son was 2, he went down the slide head first and scraped his head. They called & said it looked bad - you know how those skin abrasions can be - usually look worse they they are, but they thought he was fine, just wanted to tell me. On my lunch break, I went to check on him, he was sleeping peacefully, so I left him. I picked him up after work and it looked like your typical bloody scrape. He was happy, no complaints. We went out to dinner and then went home. The next morning when he woke up, his eye was swollen shut and it was black & blue! I freaked out. Rush him to the dr. They sent us to the hospital and did a CT scan. Yep, he had a fractured the orbital bone! Nothing they can do for it. And, he was fine. But, still. MOTY!
We all have our moments. Just some of us are not willing to confess. No one is perfect! Just keep on doing the best you can.